Martin Jones: Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?

On a steaming August night, so humid and slick the shirt sticks to shoulders and back, a man in a brown suit hurries up the narrow street and flags a passing taxi. The cab brakes screech and through the open passenger window, the white-haired driver shouts: “Where are...

Anya Orzechowska: My Mother Lied

My mother was a liar. Yet, somehow, I can understand and maybe even admire her for it, although perhaps she was – at the same time – politically correct and incorrect, too. Let me explain. It was politically correct (in the civic sense) to lie to the German officers...

Ellen Michelson: Geode

(Previously published by the Heliconian Club in Musings: An Anthology, 2021; The Arts and Letters Club library has accepted a copy of the anthology.)   “I like walk,” says Shih. Earth, moon, space, planet, night are printed across the classroom chalkboard’s...

Carolyn Taylor-Watts: A Sometime Husband

The Opening Chapter to a Novel   Date: 1986 “I don’t want to go!” George refused to get into the back seat of his mother’s car. “Oh, for heaven’s sakes, why ever not?” “It’s boring,” George muttered this between his teeth. “Old ladies sit around and talk about...

Vipin Sehgal: Animal Farm’s New Masters

If, like me you have wondered at George Orwell’s choice of pigs as the replacement masters in Animal Farm, wonder no more. It was not a random choice, and nor was he the first to think along these lines, he had been preceded by ancient Italians.  Apparently, while...