Application for a Solo or Retrospective Exhibition
at the Club in 2025


April 27, 2024: Because of a technical problem, the Online Form is temporarily unavailable. We expect that it will be back in service soonPlease send us an email if you would like to be notified when the form is back on the page.

Otherwise, you can also download the pdf copy and mail or email it in.



Please direct questions about applying for a 2025 Solo Exhibition to Julian Mulock, Chair of the Visual Arts Committee:

Members of the Visual Arts Committee may be available for advice and assistance to accepted applicants upon request.

Submission deadline is May 1, 2024.

You MUST complete a new application every year.  Applications are not carried over from one year to another. Informal communications with the Visual Arts Committee (conversations, letters, etc.) do not serve in place of this form. You must have been a Club member since at least May 1, 2023.


Choose one only of the following:

  • Complete the application form.
  • Print and email the pdf version at the bottom of this page, along with 5 digital submissions as described below.
  • Or complete and return to the ofice with printed samples.

Your Solo/Retrospective Exhibition Sample Pieces

The Visual Arts Committee’s decision is based on the sample pieces of the work you intend to exhibit. A cohesive show with a theme is preferable to random works.

Digital images (jpeg, pdf) should not exceed 2MB or 1024 pdi. Image files must be labeled as follows:

artistname_title_media_dimensions (e.g., doejoe_SummerWind_oil_24x24in)